Meaning Dual Language Program
What does Dual Language Program mean? Here you find 3 meanings of the word Dual Language Program. You can also add a definition of Dual Language Program yourself


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Dual Language Program

An offshore program that uses English and a language other than English (LOTE) as the language of instruction and a medium to acquire disciplinary knowledge and skills in the development of the Gradua [..]


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Dual Language Program

Also known as two-way or developmental, the goal of these bilingual programs is for students to develop language proficiency in two languages by receiving instruction in English and another language in a classroom that is usually comprised of half native English speakers and half native speakers of the other language.
Source: (offline)


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Dual Language Program

Learners in dual language programs receive content instruction (e.g., math, science, or social studies) in two languages. In a two-way dual language classroom, approximately half of the learners are native speakers of one of the languages and half are native speakers of the other language. Two-way programs emphasize language skill development in bo [..]
Source: (offline)

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